After-school activities

The Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm after school care program is called Fritids and is available for families of our Grade 1 to Grade 6 (or until they are turning 12 years old). Fritids is intended to supplement the school day, giving students different and more in-depth experiences and knowledge. Creative work and play are core components of learning.

Fritids is
ONLY for the children who are registered in Fritids.

It is the kommun where you are living/registered who will decide if your child can be registered or not. Diplomat families outside EU/EES are unable to register for Fritids.
Fritids costs an additional monthly fee which is paid 12 months per year. There is one month period of notice if you wish to cancel the Fritids service.  

If you would like to apply for fritids you can sign up and fill out an application form with our School Administrator, Ms. Richa M. Limba ( and Fritids Coordinator, Shilpa Seth.

More information about Terms and Conditions, Fritids cancellation, and schedule can be obtained by contacting the Fritids Coordinator, Ms. Shilpa Seth @

Fritids Hours

Morning Fritids Open Hours: 7:00am – 8:15am
Afternoon Fritids Open Hours: 3:00 pm – 17:30pm