Student and Learning Support Philosophy
Futuraskolan International School of Stockholm’s vision and mission statement is to ‘be the best stepping stone for future world citizens’. We strive to promote a climate of inclusion and meet the needs of the school’s mission statement. The school will support students in need of academic or social assistance as well as provide them with the accommodation and differentiation that will allow them to access the curriculum designed to meet the demands of the international curriculum.

We empower our students with Life Skills classes and Social, Emotional Learning to help them acquire the necessary tools to effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make respectful and responsible decisions. We utilize the Jigsaw curriculum through our Primary and Middle School to ensure consistency in our approach to social and emotional learning.


  • Support is provided for students in the Primary and Middle school.
  • The Student Support Department guides students towards achieving the goals set by the curriculum of each of the programs in place.
  • The interventions vary based on each of the student’s individual needs and the level of support required.
  • Accommodations will be flexible in order to support each individual student.
  • Students receiving support will have both long and short term goals to success.
  • Students will receive support in the most appropriate setting and one which is inline with their goals.
  • Student support teachers work simultaneously with parents, teachers, students, Student Counsellor, special pedagogues, school leadership team, and external specialist (as needed).